
Sunday 31 March 2013

Why I do what I do

Many of you know that some days I begin to question why I spend so much time designing new projects and sending out instructions. This is  especially the case after someone might email me for lots of different BOM's we have finished  and would like the files. I gladly send them off and get disheartened when I do not receive a thank you or acknowledgement that they have been received.
However, I received this email over the weekend and this clarified for me once again why I do what I do. This is from Brenda who asked me to send her some projects.

I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your blog.  It is as if you are in my head with your designs and creative items.  I am learning to quilt and would so love to be a part of your BOM group.   I love your pillows and I could go on and on and on.  I just love it all.  Everything is modern and just is so me.                              

I saw that you wondered if what you were doing made a difference.  I want you to know it does.  It just made me so happy.    Thank you for posting.
Keep up the great work.  It is such a blessing to have a kindred spirit in the creative world.
Thank you,

and this is her reply this morning

What a wonderful surprise to get all of these this morning.  My mom has Alzheimer's and I have had maybe 2 hrs of sleep.  I am so tired an my day has just started.

This horrible disease just exacts such a heavy metal toll on all.  I can just loose myself in these wonderful patterns as time permits.  Because I have so little time for me, finding your site means so much to me.

Have a wonderful Easter and thank you again.


  1. So well said.
    I have purchased so many designs that I've never used. Vicki what you do is so good for me I am using them. Thank you. You are doing good.
    I also have very little time to create I try.

  2. You are doing what you love and that is a great thing. I love your patterns but have very little time to participate as I am so busy with my newsletter. I keep saying tomorrow.. tee hee

    I have been trying something new on my blog and am feeling a little like you. I have lots of people coming to my blog, but hardly anyone is leaving a comment. What to do! anyway, if you have time and would like to check it out, I think we are on question 4 today of 15 days of questions...

    keep up the good work. I love to see what you are doing and am storing it away for that day when I have time.

  3. Thank you Vicki for writing that, I am in my 70s and do not do as much as I used to do, but still use what you do to for ideas and sometimes follow exactly
