
Saturday 9 March 2013

Hot weather

Today is going to be another day when I weather is almost unbearably warm and humid -yuk. It is quite unseasonal as we are into autumn.
Last night we went to volunteer to be guides for the visitors to the Lillico Beach penguin colony. At this time of year the penguins are nearly all moulting or have finished moulting and have left for a lengthy period at sea. the ones who were moulting were busily picking their feathers out and must be uncomfortable in this hot weather.
Today I am going to try and do another Aristocat Cat block and also a Floral Sketches block.
 I also need to find where I put the next project in my IEC project series. I put it in a safe place before I went to  Canberra. Sound familiar? This project is a white on white pillow in the shape of a fan and I hope to get that completed this week, that's if I can find it.
Nancy has sent in a pic of her first two cat blocks.
Nancy's Aristocat Blocks 1 and 2
It is great to see how everyone chooses their colour palette and this gives inspiration to those of us who sometimes have difficulty choosing which colours to use.
One of my regular blog followers Anita sent me this link to a poem by Nancy Zieman called the Sewing whisperer. Well worth a read.

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