
Sunday 10 February 2013

Back Home

We are back home after travelling to Hobart so that I could teach at  the retreat held by the Hobart Machine embroidery group.  I had an enjoyable time with these ladies and will post some pics of the projects they made in a later posting.

We stopped in the midlands town of Campbell Town on the way down to Hobart on Thursday. My grandparents lived in this town for many years and my sister was born there. Campbell Town has a rich colonial history and for those of you who may not know Tasmania was largely settled by convicts who had been sent out from the prison system of the United Kingdom. Many ships came with convicts abroad came to Tasmaia until 1852  with convicts. There were also free settlers and most of the convicts who survived were granted pardons at some stage .

Campbell Town has convict brick trail up its main street that is dedicated to the convicts. My husband and I took some pics of  a few of these.  Each brick is listed with the name of the convict, the ship they arrived in and the arrival date, their crime and their prison sentence.
 This young man stole some calico and was sentenced to 7 years, he went on to become a publican .

 Imagine this sentence for breaking a machine
 There are also numerous metal statues honouring our colonial history on the sides of the highway and I tried to take some pics of those.

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