
Wednesday 23 January 2013

Projects are multiplying

I have spent part of a day quilting Hexies on the Fly and I am very pleased with the way it is coming up. My quilting abilities are very limited but the meander quilting is bringing out the character in the quilt.
Ric Rac Cushion Project 4

Bound lapped edges of cushion back

Both cushions to date

I have made another in the series of cushions that I am making for my daughter in the black/white and hint of pink palette of colours. Once again I have used one of the designs from the Martha Pullen IEC making this Project 4. This time I have done a bit piecing/slashing/piecing and slashing again. The pieced sections are not done individually but in strips and then re cut to give the wedge shaped effect. This cushion has bound edges (similar to those on a quilt) on the backs that are lapped over each other. The cushion also has ric rac around the outer edge but it is a bit hard to see. I also have not stuffed this cushion properly as they will be going to my daughter with me in my suitcase and I will finish stuffing them etc when I get there.
I will be sending out the tutorial to those who have joined my free projects group when I get tit written up. If you wish to part of this groupp please email me .

Jake embroidered pillowcase

Rubie embroidered pillowcase

Annabelle embroidered pillowcase

I have also put some pics up of the embroiderd pillowcase that I did for some friends last week. Might be a good idea if I photographed them straight rather than crooked.


  1. I love your pillows. Where did you get the cute insects on the pillowcases?

  2. The designs are from Bunnycup Snugasabug.They look just lovely on these.
