
Thursday 3 January 2013

Easy Street Quilt Top Done!

Easy Street Quilt top

I have spent most of this getting my EasyStreet Mystery quilt top finished. I am delighted by the vibrant colours. Some of my geese may have lost their beaks but on the whole I am very pleased. Now it is off to sandwich it and start quilting, perhaps not such a good plan as it is going to be quite warm here today.

I will be able to get back to sending out lessons for my own BOM's now. I have decided to design a quilt using the new designs from Hen House embroideries.

I am slos going to do a series of projects usng the 2103 Internet Embroidery Club designs from Martha Pullen. More about that later.


  1. This is so beautiful! Well done!

  2. Thank you, I am just starting to quilt it and it is very hot here today. Could be a big mistake.

  3. That is just beautiful. Makes me want to finish mine. i am excited about your new BOMs. Can't wait. 2013 is going to be a busy year, I can tell already.
