
Sunday 6 January 2013

Easy Street Finished-Update on my other BOM's

Before I share pics of my projects I thought I would include an update on the fire situation in our state. Personally my husband and I do not live in the affected areas. My sister and her family do and they did need to evacuate on Friday but are back home safe and sound. However, there are many homes lost and thankfully the 100 or so people  previously unaccounted for have been found. There is more unfavourable weather on the way so please keep those people in your thoughts especially those fighting the many fires still burning, with many of them still not in control.
For those of you in a position to make a donation to the Bushfire Appeal, the Red Cross have set up a donation page.
I have finished quilting and binding my Easy Street quilt. I just love the gorgeous colours and my daughter will more than likely get this quilt.I quilted it in a cross hatch pattern using a variegated thread from Superior Threads. You can see the progress of other people on the link up page here

Easy Street Quilt Finished


Close Up

Block 7 has been sent out in the Blackwork Birds BOM.
Blackwork Birds BOM Block 7
I have also put the first two rows together in this quilt.
Rows 1 and 2 Blackwork Bird Quilt
Block 11 has been sent out in the Kenny Kreations Crazy Quilt BOM.
Crazy Quilt Block 11



  1. Congrats on your Easy Street finish! It looks great.

  2. Your Easy Street is beautiful. It reminds me of the deep sea...texture, color and movement. Thank you for sharing it!

  3. There are lots of green / purple / turquoise quilts out there, but your dark grey constant really makes your special. A lucky daughter.

  4. First of all, thank you for the update on the fire situation and that the 100+ souls have been found. I am a world away in Canada and it is all over the news...we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Congrats on completing Easy Street, and a note about how much I love your crazy quilting and embellishments.

  5. Lots of eye candy. I especially like the crazy quilt.

  6. Thank you all for your lovely comments. We are bracing ourselves for a very high fire danger day here today as well as most of Australia. In fact they are predicting that today we will have our highest average temp on record.

  7. We may be far apart in miles but I think all quilters are close in heart and prayer. I will keep you and yours in mine.

  8. WEll done for your finished quilt Easy Street, I think you are incredibly fast. I can't believe it, mine will probably stay as a flimsy for a while when I finish the top.

  9. Gosh, Vicki - I came to see your gorgeous Easy Street, and see that you're working on some really spectacular BOMs. Really love the blackwork bids! If you ever feel like sharing your work on those at BOMs Away Monday linkies, that would be awesome. :)

  10. Very vibrant! I like how yours turned out. I love your Crazy Quilt as well, I wish you weren't a half a world away - I would have loved to sign up!

  11. I'm in the middle of quilting mine and I wish I would have read your post first. I like the cross hatching. What I'm doing will take forever.

  12. Your Easy Street is fantastic. I think I'm going to cross hatch my green one. I'll do something different on the pastel one. Your blackbirds are looking fantastic! Glad you are clear of the fires. Bush fire season is such a worry.

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