
Sunday 30 December 2012

I have been a slack blogger

I have not posted for  a week and I feel bad. Since finishing school on the Friday before Christmas all I have wanted to do is sleep but I have finally turned the alarm clock off and gone in to retirement mode. I have been working on the BFC Blackwork Birds BOM and also the  Kenny Kreations Crazy Quilt BOM so have not been sitting idle. I am also up to date with the Easy Street mystery quilt (links on the right hand bar of the page) and waiting on the next clue for that tonight my time.
Our daughter has been home with us since Christmas Day and she leaves to day to return to Canberra. She is taking some of my black and quilts to use as bed quilts and wall hangings in her new house.
I received some  lovely cards, flowers and gifts on my retirement and thought I would share some pics of those with you.
Engraved back gold watch

Gorgeous litle ornament/plaque

Etched glass keepsake

1 comment:

  1. Retirement allows us to be slackers without guilt. We are free to do what we want, when we want, with no quilt because we have "no deadline" per se. Enjoy!

