
Friday 12 August 2011

More Spring Flowers and Mug/Can Organiser

As we get closer to spring more and more exquisite flowers announce their arrival in the garden. Today I am sharing with you some delightful miniature daffodils in a tub with a tulip about to fully open and the daffodil patch which is outside one of my sewing room windows. You can catch a glimpse in a couple of the photos of one of my pencil pines with some dead sections. We have a family of ring tail possums living in these pencil pines. They come out at dusk and scurry through the trees returning just before dawn. They are the most delightful little creatures.
It is Saturday morning and I plan to have a go at designing and making my own version of a mug/can organiser. If all goes well I will share the tutorial tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Love your flowers. It is still very hot in Tennessee. However, it will not be long until we will be looking into winter.

    I have an old iron wash pot that the miniature daffodils would be pretty in.
    Hope you would not mind if I can do this
